Ten Reasons Why You Should Plan A Trip To Japan

I just got back from my first time in Japan. Let’s just say, It’s now my favorite place I’ve been to, and I am absolutely going back soon. If you're searching for an amazing travel destination that makes you wish you had more time, no matter how long your trip is, look no further than Japan. This country has so much to offer, it’s brimming with cultural heritage, natural beauty, bustling cities, and modern amenities. Here are ten reasons why you should plan a trip to Japan.

1. Immerse yourself in the unique Japanese culture

Japan is a country with a rich and unique culture that has been shaped over centuries. From its ancient Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples to its traditional arts and crafts, there are many ways to experience Japan's culture firsthand. Whether you attend a tea ceremony, watch a kabuki performance, or learn how to make sushi, you'll come away with a deeper appreciation of Japan's fascinating cultural heritage.

2. Witness the breathtaking cherry blossoms

If you visit Japan in the spring, you'll have the chance to witness one of the country's most beautiful natural phenomena: the cherry blossoms. These delicate pink flowers bloom for just a few short weeks each year, and their arrival is celebrated with festivals and picnics all across Japan. Whether you stroll through a cherry blossom garden or join a hanami party with the locals, it's an experience you'll never forget. I got to see the very very start of that season, but I think I was a little early still. Late March into April is when you’ll want to go to see the explosion of color.

3. Indulge in the delicious food

Japanese cuisine is renowned for its fresh ingredients, delicate flavors, and beautiful presentation. And they don’t disappoint. All the food was absolutely fantastic! Whether you're a fan of sushi, ramen, udon, or tempura, you'll find plenty of delicious dishes to try in Japan. And don't forget about the snacks, like mochi, dorayaki, and matcha-flavored sweets!

4. Explore the stunning natural landscapes

Japan is home to some of the world's most awe-inspiring natural landscapes, from snow-capped mountains to crystal-clear lakes and cascading waterfalls. Whether you’re ski-touring in the Japanese Alps, soaking in a hot spring in Hokkaido, or taking a boat tour of the Seto Inland Sea, you'll be awed by the beauty of Japan's natural world.

5. It’s really not that expensive

I don’t know why but I always thought Japan was a pretty expensive place. But I'll admit it, I was wrong. I wrote a whole article going into greater detail on the financial part of my trip. You can check it out HERE. With the JR rail pass you can travel all over Japan and save a ton of money, and with the speed of their bullet trains, you don’t have the spend days traveling either. Food is inexpensive as well. It’s common for your dinner the maybe cost about $8 to $10 USD.

Reflection of the photographer off the floor at the team labs Tokyo art museum.

6. Experience the excitement of Tokyo

Tokyo is a city like no other, with its towering skyscrapers, neon-lit streets, and endless shopping and dining options. Whether you're into anime, fashion and design, or just want to experience the buzz of a megacity, Tokyo has something for everyone. I actually don’t really like big cities. A day in New york gets me soo incredibly tired and a little irritated. But for some reason, I actually loved Tokyo it’s really quiet for a big city and super clean. Traveling through Tokyo also is very easy with its brilliant train systems. I didn’t get that same draining tiredness I usually get from big cities. (I grew up in Montana, where there are no big cities.)

7. Discover the ancient city of Kyoto

Kyoto is a city that is steeped in history and tradition, with over 1,000 years of history as Japan's former capital. Here, you can visit ancient temples and shrines, stroll through traditional gardens, and experience the beauty of Japan's seasonal festivals. This city is all about the history and beauty of a much older Japan.

8. The Shopping

Japan is known for its unique and high-quality products, from traditional crafts like ceramics and textiles to cutting-edge electronics and fashion. Whether you're looking for a one-of-a-kind souvenir or just want to browse the latest gadgets and fashions, you'll find plenty of shopping opportunities in Japan. I’m not huge into shopping, especially on a trip, but, Japan is such a cool place to shop. Next time I go I’m leaving empty space in my bag to buy things I need there. The quality of everything in Japan is much higher than products elsewhere, that’s why I love shopping there. I’ll always choose one nice product over four cheaper ones

9. Meet friendly locals

Japanese people are known for their hospitality, respect, and politeness, and you're sure to receive a warm welcome wherever you go in Japan. Whether you strike up a conversation with a shopkeeper, take a language exchange class, or take a local tour, you'll have the chance to make new friends and learn more about Japanese culture. I wish I would have learned more Japanese before going on this trip. If you're going to Japan do yourself a favor and learn the basic expressions before getting there.

people walking up the stairs to a buddist temple in japan.

10. Gain a new perspective

Traveling to Japan is an opportunity to gain a new perspective on the world. From its unique cultural traditions to its efficient transportation system and innovative technologies, Japan has a lot to teach us. Whether you're interested in history, art, science, or just want to broaden your horizons, a trip to Japan is sure to leave you with new insights and inspiration. The biggest thing I took away from experiencing Japan is if you treat people kindly and with respect always it’s very difficult for them to get angry at you. The Japanese are incredibly respectful and I just felt myself feeling a strong desire to show extra kindness and respect back to them because of it. So be kind and people will be kind back.


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