How to Make Long Plane Rides Not Suck

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Long plane trips can be incredibly tedious and exhausting, especially for people who are not fond of traveling. However, with the right preparation and mindset, you can make your next plane journey an enjoyable experience. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips on how to make long plane trips not suck.

1.Choose Your Seat Carefully

One of the most vital factors that can make or break a plane journey is your seat choice. If you are going to be on a long flight, it’s essential to choose a seat that will keep you comfortable throughout the trip. Here's some tips to help you choose the right seat:

  • Choose an aisle seat: If you're someone who appreciates stretching their legs, an aisle seat is your best bet. You can walk around the aisle and stretch your legs without disturbing other passengers.

  • Go for an emergency exit row: Emergency exit rows typically have more legroom, making them ideal for long flights. However, do keep in mind that you may be required to assist with the emergency exit door in case of an emergency.

  • Avoid seats near the bathroom: Seats near the bathroom can get pretty noisy and smelly, making it difficult to get some rest.

2. Pack Essential Items

Packing the right items can make a huge difference in your plane journey. Here are some essentials you should bring with you:

  • High Quality Headphones or earplugs: Noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs can help you block out the noise and get some rest. This is also an area you might consider spending a bit more on. Low quality audio for hours with uncomfortable headphones gets pretty annoying. Here are my suggestions.

Best Headphones Quality Wise

Best Headphones For Noise Canceling

Best Comfortable Ear Plugs

  • Neck pillow: A neck pillow will support your neck and head and prevent you from waking up with a crick in your neck. I’ll admit, I have never used one of these, so I can’t recommend a specific one but I do know for most people these are a necessity.

Eye mask: An eye mask can block out the light and help you get some rest, especially if you are traveling during the day. Make sure to get one that doesn’t push in on your eyes.It’s something you don’t think about until you wearing one for a long time. The pressure isn’t good for you eyes either. Here is the zero pressure masks I’d recommend.

Best Zero Pressure Sleep Mask

  • Comfortable clothing: Wearing comfortable clothing can help you relax and feel more at ease during the flight. Just don’t be that person who looks like they just rolled out of bed.

3. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial during long plane journeys. Dehydration can cause headaches, fatigue, and make you feel uncomfortable. Make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol, which can dehydrate you even further. Go ahead and bring your own empty reusable water bottle through security and fill it up at the airport. The cups of water they give you on the plane are tiny.

Super Rugged Reusable Water Bottle

4. Keep Yourself Occupied

Bringing along activities to keep yourself occupied is a great way to pass the time on long flights. You can read a book, watch a movie, play games, or listen to music. Make sure to pack your entertainment devices and any necessary chargers.

5. Take Short Walks

Getting up and moving around the cabin every few hours is a great way to stretch your legs and prevent stiffness. Short walks can also help you get some rest and reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Compression socks will also greatly help with reducing the risk on (DVT).

6. Be Mindful of Your Mental Health

Long plane journeys can take a toll on your mental health, especially if you are prone to anxiety or stress. To help reduce stress levels, try to relax and meditate. You can also practice deep breathing exercises or do some simple stretches.

In short, making long plane trips not suck requires some planning and preparation. By choosing the right seat, packing essential items, staying hydrated, keeping yourself occupied, taking short walks, and being mindful of your mental health, you can make your next plane journey an enjoyable experience. Happy travels!


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